mantle; take up the mantle; take up someone’s mantle


a role or responsibility

take up the mantle; take up someone’s mantle

to take over the responsibilities, duties, or authority of another

—After the president lost the election, we all wondered who would take up the mantle of leadership for his political party.

God spoke to the people in Israel and Judah through prophets. One of those prophets was Elijah. While Ahab was still king of Israel, Jezebel, the queen, promised to have Elijah killed. Elijah ran away in fear. God came to the prophet to encourage him, telling him to choose Elisha as his companion and the one who would take over his work after he was gone. When Elijah found Elisha, he put his cloak, or “mantle,” on him.

Later, at the end of Elijah’s ministry, when God was ready to take him into heaven, Elisha followed Elijah to the Jordan River. Elijah struck the water with his cloak, causing the river to part, and the two crossed on dry ground. Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for him before he left, and Elisha asked to receive a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit. When a chariot of fire from God carried Elijah away, Elisha

picked up Elijah’s cloak [took up also the mantle of Elijah—KJV], which had fallen off him, and went back and stood on the shore of the Jordan. He took the cloak that had fallen off Elijah, hit the water with it, and said, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” When he hit the water, it divided and Elisha crossed over. (2 Kings 2:13,14)

From that time on until the end of his life, Elisha served as God’s prophet, proclaiming God’s message and performing miracles by God’s power.

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